7 Incredible Stories of Persistence in Business

The word persistence

Have you ever felt like giving up on your dreams because things weren’t going according to plan? Well, you’re not alone. Many of the most successful companies have faced hardships that would have made anyone consider quitting. Every business has its ups and downs—periods of triumph and moments when the odds seem insurmountable. But history shows us time and again that …

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Profitable Drone Business Ideas You Can Start in 2023

A white and black quadcopter hovering under a blue sky

Starting a drone business is a highly profitable and fulfilling venture that gives you the opportunity to combine your passion for aviation and technology with your entrepreneurial spirit. With the growing popularity of drones in various applications, such as photography, videography, delivery, surveying, and more, the demand for drone businesses has increased. Here are some profitable drone business ideas you can …

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10 TED Talks to Empower Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Collage of business speakers giving TED talk

When starting a business, or even envisioning one, the best thing you can do is motivate yourself while you prepare. This involves reading books on entrepreneurship, attending conferences, and acquiring knowledge through videos and publications. If you enjoy learning about entrepreneurship and learning from others’ success stories, then TED Talks are an excellent choice. They not only inspire, but can provide …

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