10 TED Talks to Help You Build a Successful Business

When starting a business, or even envisioning one, the best thing you can do is motivate yourself while you prepare. This involves reading books on entrepreneurship, attending conferences, and acquiring knowledge through videos and publications.

If you enjoy learning about entrepreneurship and learning from others’ success stories, then TED Talks are an excellent choice. They not only inspire, but can provide you with the necessary information on how to start your own blog or just to motivate yourself to dream big. Here are 10 TED Talks to guide you in your ambitions to become an entrepreneur:

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A motivational speaker in front of his audience of aspiring entrepreneurs

1) A Guide to Believing in Yourself (But for Real This Time) | Catherine Reitman |

Since she was a child, Catherine Reitman has always been an optimist. She believes that if you set your mind to it, anything is possible. This attitude has served her well in her career as a journalist and TED Talk speaker, but lately it’s helped her with something even more important: overcoming mental health challenges. In his talk she helps others to realize their fullest potential by overcoming lack of confidence in oneself. The power of self-confidence cannot be overstated. When you have confidence in yourself, you’re able to face any obstacle or challenge head on with a positive attitude. Confidence in your own abilities can also give you the strength and determination to achieve your goals in life. So how do you develop self-confidence? One important way is to believe in yourself—to hold onto the belief that you are capable of achieving anything that’s put before you.

2) 3 Ways to Create a Work Culture That Brings Out the Best in Employees | Chris White |

Everyone knows that a positive work culture can make employees happier and feel more appreciated. Employees are the key to a successful business. If you can create a work culture that brings out the best in employees, your company will be able to prosper. But some businesses struggle to create a good environment, while others force their employees to conform to outdated or unhealthy practices. Chris White shares tips and techniques for creating a work culture that benefits everyone.

3) Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income | Alex Szepietowski |

Passive income is a beautiful dream that many people chase, but few ever achieve. Passive income streams are created when you do something with minimal input or effort on your part and generate income in the process. Passive incomes provide us with security and flexibility to pursue our passions without having to work day-in and day-out for paychecks we don’t deserve. In this talk, Alex Szepietowski gives tips for realizing your dreams of securing a passive income career.

4) How to Become a Marketing Superhero | Giuseppe Stigliano | TEDxRoma |

Giuseppe Stigliano is a seasoned expert in the field of business. In this TED talk, he shares his invaluable insights and strategies for achieving a harmonious balance in the corporate landscape. Discover the key principles and practical tips that Giuseppe has gathered from his extensive experience as a business leader and marketing guru. He explores the importance of harmonious interactions between employees, clients, and partners, illustrating how this harmony can lead to increased productivity and success. Giuseppe Stigliano’s wealth of knowledge and experience as well as engaging and relatable presentation style makes complex business concepts accessible to all viewers.

5) Grit: the Power of Passion and Perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth |

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance is a new book by Angela Duckworth, an eminent professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written extensively on intelligence, but this is her first book about character traits. Duckworth’s thesis is that “grit”–endurance and perseverance in the face of difficulty or opposition–are what distinguish successful individuals from unsuccessful ones. Although we cannot prevent everything that might go wrong in life, there are ways to prepare for and mitigate the negative effects of failure. One such way is by setting goals with passion and perseverance–two characteristics which have been proven time and time again to be resilient factors in the face of difficulties. These are concepts that Angela shares with her audience.

6) Why Confidence Is The Secret To Great Leaders At Work & Home | Dr. Karyn Gordon |

Confidence is the key to success as a leader at work and in your personal life. It’s essential to be self-assured, know what you’re good at, and project an air of confidence so people will want to work with or be around you. Confidence is not arrogance, it’s self-assuredness. Confident people know their abilities, strengths and weaknesses and accept them with grace. They don’t obsessed over planning every detail or making perfect decisions; they just trust that the process will work out. This shows in how confident leaders approach their jobs and interactions with others. This talk shares Dr. Karyn Gordon’s findings from her
studies on confidence and leadership. Gordon found that leaders with high levels of confidence are more effective in their tasks than those who lack confidence. They foster a feeling of trust among their followers, which leads to increased productivity and better teamwork outcomes.

7. Secrets of Success in 8 Words, 3 Minutes | Richard St. John |

Why do most people fail at anything they set their mind to? Often it’s because they don’t know how. They think “I can’t” instead of “I’ll try.” Richard St. John‘s famous 8-word mantra will help you succeed no matter what. Break the paralysis of perfectionism and start trying today. While many aspire to achieve greatness, few are willing to do the hard work it takes. Motivation is key, and sometimes that comes in the form of a shiny new toy or trophy. Focusing on one’s goals can be tough when everything around us seems to be telling us differently. It turns out there are other ways to quietly succeed with less–by using sound business practices, focusing on our strengths, and developing inner patience.

8) Zero Equals One: Creating A Business From Nothing | Riley Csernica |

Do you have an idea for a business, but don’t know how to start it? This talk can help you create and grow your own business from scratch. With Riley Csernica’s guidance, you’ll learn the basics of starting a company, from finding the right concept to building the right team. He’ll provide resources and advice along the way so that everything is easy for you–no pitching required! Starting a business from scratch can be daunting and risky, but it doesn’t have to be.

9) Entrepreneurship is Easy…ish | Martin Al Masri |

Is entrepreneurship really easy? Martin Al Masri, serial entrepreneur and author of Entrepreneurship Is Easy…ish, seems to think so. The problem: too many people automatically assume that starting their own business is a walk in the park and don’t really do their research before jumping in. Entrepreneurship is often praised as one of the most rewarding careers. With so much uncertainty in the world, it can be comforting to know that anyone can start their own business and make a name for themselves. The truth is, entrepreneurship isn’t easy–but it’s worth it if you’re willing to work hard. Starting and running a business is hard enough. Adding in the elements of creativity, risk-taking, perseverance and passion can seem insurmountable. Thankfully this talk will give you the knowledge and resources to help you as an aspiring entrepreneur to thrive both professionally and personally.

10) How I Became an Entrepreneur at 66 | Paul Tasner |

Does age have anything to do with success in entrepreneurship? Author and speaker Paul Tasner thinks not–and argues that attitude, faith, knowledge, and perseverance are what really matter. In this Ted Talk from 2010, Tasner shares how he’s reached the successes he has in business by integrating these four key principles into his life. How did 66-year-old Paul Tasner turn his retirement into a successful career as an entrepreneur? Tasner’s journey starts by realizing that he has plenty of time and energy left to start his own business. He invests in himself by reading books, attending workshops, and networking with like-minded individuals. Through relentless effort, Tasner builds a strong network of consultants and entrepreneurs who can help him take his idea to the next level.


We hope you found our selection helpful. Entrepreneurship can present challenges, and there inevitably will be blocks and moments of doubt as an aspiring entrepreneur. Never give up, and to continue to dream big despite the circumstances. We encourage you to rewatch the videos you like, and to take notes. In time, you’ll find that entrepreneurship is not as difficult as it seems, and you’ll enjoy the process. Good luck.