20 Inspiring Quotes from Great Thinkers for Entrepreneurs


The life of an entrepreneur can sometimes be fraught with challenges, but persistence and innovation can turn obstacles into opportunities. That is why, on our blog, we emphasize such concepts as self-care, motivation, and even spirituality, to overcome those difficult times. We also value education, which is why we’ve composed various articles on how to best learn. Reading is another important facet of becoming a better entrepreneur, and that is why we’ve written articles on speed reading and how to memorize anything you’ve learned.

Throughout my journey of running this blog, I too have often faced challenges, but each time I do, these quotes help to remind me that there are better times ahead. These great minds also help me to understand the value of customers in business. To that end, we share their philosophies for a better entrepreneurial journey.

In order to help you face these hard times whenever you’re pursuing entrepreneurial goals, we’ve included 7 quotes from some of the greatest minds. These sayings vary from the comical to the spiritual and even the mundane, but each has value to offer.

It would be foolish to claim that we know everything. Rather, we love to teach because we value sharing our knowledge with others. In doing so, we’ve realized that it also helps us learn new things.

Here are the quotes that can help you lead a better entrepreneurial life. These quotes are here to inspire a better entrepreneurial path. Approach them with confidence that you, too, can achieve success.

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Business quotes by philosophers

1. Time, devourer of all things.

– Ovid

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Ovid (43 BCE–17 CE) was a Roman poet known for his works on love, myth, and transformation, including Metamorphoses. His writings have had a lasting influence on Western literature and art.

One of his most famous quotes deals with how time devours all things. No matter what kind of business you’re in, time is of the essence. From responding to customer queries to actually doing the work required of you, if you don’t prioritize time, you’re at a disadvantage compared to your competitors. As a business owner, my goals always strive toward developing efficient processes. This will not only streamline your day-to-day operations, but also allow you to deal with customers and their issues along the way. These skills will give you the upper hand in many facets, and you’ll be a better decision-maker. You’ll improve not only your company’s productivity, but customers will recognize you for going the extra mile. If you want to save time, consider a daily schedule. Write down the tasks that need to be completed, as well as those that are unnecessary. Just write down what you think needs to be done. Wait an hour. Come back and then go back to your list and delete those things from your list that can be either delegated to an employee or associate, or eliminated entirely.

2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

– Lao Tzu

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Lao Tzu (6th century BCE) was an ancient Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism. His teachings emphasize harmony with nature and the simplicity of life.

In this quote, we learn that big things don’t happen overnight. It takes time. This concept has been repeated ad infinitum in business books. If you hope to achieve something big, then hard work is required, but even still, you have to realize that you’re in it for the long haul. Nothing will happen overnight. I started my blog in May 2020 and often felt like I was working for nothing. I kept posting articles for months without any results. It took about a year and a half before I started getting traffic. I faced difficulties, both technical and emotional, during those first months. I even considered giving up blogging. At one point, I did not post for two entire months. My self-esteem was in danger. Even still, I never gave up. Deep down inside, I knew that success was around the corner. Some quotes I try to commit to memory—and this is one of them. Keep working and keep learning, even when it seems like no progress is being made. The rewards will come with time and effort. Take that first step, then another step every day, and don’t look back. You’ll be glad that you did.

3. It is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer.

– William of Occam

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

William of Occam (1287–1347) was an English Franciscan friar, philosopher, and theologian. He is best known for Occam’s Razor, a principle advocating simplicity in problem-solving.

This quote hearkens back to the idea that it is not how much a person works, but rather how efficiently his processes achieve that work. Note that this is not meant to be lazy or to take shortcuts, but rather to realize those processes that are taking a huge bulk of your time and revising them so that your work becomes something that helps you achieve your goals rather than hold you back. Many of us, when we first became entrepreneurs, may not have realized a certain process that could help achieve one’s objectives, but as time went along, we learned. Ask yourself, can any project that I’m currently involved in be broken into many steps? Look at each of those steps, and then decide which of them is necessary and which can be eliminated. You’ll be surprised that a task that you previously spent a lot of time on could be eliminated without any negative consequence on your final product. The same applies to whatever goals you have. See if you can break something down into multiple processes, and within those processes, perhaps you can eliminate one or two or even a few.

4. The less you talk, the more you’re listened to.

– Pauline Phillips

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Pauline Phillips (1918–2013) was an American advice columnist better known as Abigail Van Buren, creator of the “Dear Abby” column. Her practical and witty advice made her a household name.

I’ve heard it said that the reason we have two ears and one mouth is to listen more than we speak. This can apply to associations with customers and clients. Hear them out. Listen to them attentively so that you may decide what it is that you can change or determine how you can best deliver to those with whom you’re doing business. This can also apply to your employees. An eager ear is one that will listen to feedback, whether it’s excellent or, at first, may appear subpar but can actually benefit your business and bottom line.

5. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

– Jim Rohn

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Jim Rohn (1930–2009) was an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. His teachings have inspired countless individuals to achieve personal and professional success.

Discipline is one of the most important traits for an entrepreneur. Without discipline, there is no schedule, no ambition, and no drive to pursue the things you wish. It can be a tough road as an entrepreneur, with many bends and curves along the way, and setbacks that can threaten to derail even the most ambitious of souls. Do everything with passion. Immersing yourself into work is so important for creativity and productivity, so don’t overlook the importance of having discipline. It will lead you to great places and sustain you throughout your years of work. Many great minds have given up on their dreams, not realizing that they were closer than they had imagined. Don’t fall into this trap; there’s always success at the end of the tunnel.

6. The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.

– Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) was a French philosopher and writer. His ideas on individual freedom and education influenced the Enlightenment and modern political thought.

If you want to be successful in any adventure, then imagination is key. Being able to imagine a goal or destination before actually embarking toward it will help you take thoughtful steps toward that goal. On our blog, we have a number of articles meant to develop your imagination. For instance, our piece, How to Create a Vision Board for Manifestation, can help you visualize your goals. Other ways of developing your imagination include reading in a variety of subjects as well as learning new things. Another way of developing your imagination is to constantly ask yourself questions about experiences you’re having. Take a pause from your day-to-day life and ask yourself, “How am I feeling at this moment?” Or perhaps you’ve learned something new that day. If so, ask yourself, “What have I learned, and how can I apply this to my business goals?” You’ll be surprised how all of these methods of developing your imagination will become easier with time. Make it a habit to learn new things, and it will pay you dividends in the future.

7. I believe it is impossible to be sure of anything.

– Han Fei

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Han Fei (280–233 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher and one of the leading figures of Legalism. His works emphasize law and order as the foundation of a stable society.

In business, things don’t always go as planned. You can’t be sure what customers will want, if your ideas will work, or how the market will change. Accepting that not everything is certain helps you stay flexible and ready to solve problems. Since you can’t be one hundred percent sure of everything, focus only on learning as much as possible and making smart choices. Change plans if needed. Try different things while learning from your mistakes. You’ll remain strong, think quickly, and handle surprises better. Mistakes can be overwhelming to anyone new to business, but trust that you’ll grow and adapt to challenges. Along the way, your ideas may develop and evolve.

8. If you desire ease, forsake learning.

– Nagarjuna

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Nagarjuna (circa 150–250 CE) was an Indian philosopher and the founder of the Madhyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhism. He is celebrated for his teachings on the nature of emptiness and interdependence.

Learning is another important part of the entrepreneurial life. Acquiring new knowledge will allow you to stay ahead of the game. For instance, technology over the past decade has witnessed exponential growth. There are many entrepreneurs who fail to catch up, and as a result, they fall behind. You don’t want to be left behind over something that can be learned. Take classes or learn business subjects on your own. It is amazing how much knowledge can be acquired by going online. There are numerous courses that you can take to learn new subjects. Another way of learning includes traveling and/or learning bout different cultures and customs. Knowledge of other cultures will give you an advantage over other entrepreneurs as the world becomes increasingly interconnected due to technology. I have personally lived in three countries and traveled to over a dozen. This experience has given me a palette from which I can apply new ideas as they come. Experiencing other cultures has given me a unique sensitivity to how others who may not share your same beliefs, backgrounds, and languages also aspire to the same goals and dreams as us all. This has allowed me to make friends and reach out to others for potential work, despite any differences.

9. A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.

– Thomas Carlyle

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs

Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) was a Scottish historian, essayist, and philosopher. He was a key figure in Victorian literature, known for his works on heroes, leadership, and social criticism.

Just like a ship without a rudder floats around with no direction, a person running a business without goals doesn’t know where they’re going. Goals are like a map that helps guide you through the challenges of running a business and takes you toward success. For business owners, it’s important to have both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals help you focus on what needs to be done right now, while long-term goals show you what you want your business to become in the future. Without goals, it’s easy to waste time and energy on things that don’t help you grow. Having clear goals also helps you see how far you’ve come and what changes you need to make along the way. Goals keep you going when things get tough and make you feel proud when you achieve them. In business, goals are like the rudder that keeps you on the right path toward success.

10. It’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers – they help us to learn.

– John Bradshaw

Inspirational philosophical quote for entrepreneurs
John Bradshaw (1933–2016) was an American educator, counselor, and motivational speaker. He was widely recognized for his work on healing emotional trauma and personal growth.

Mistakes are inevitable when starting a business, whether it’s a product that doesn’t sell, a marketing strategy that fails, or challenges in managing processes or employees. But instead of fearing them, view them as valuable opportunities to learn and grow. It’s important that you do not fear mistakes. Seeing them as part of the process will allow you to become stronger, more flexible, and prepare yourself for future success. When I started this blog nearly five years ago, I often made mistakes. Some of them included grammar mistakes in the blog posts I had worked on. I spent my whole day thinking about those mistakes, but as time went on, I took them as an opportunity to identify my weaknesses. From there, I took it upon myself to learn how to avoid those mistakes. I’m not perfect by any means, but I’m much better at writing now than I was then. Yet, I continue to learn because I know there will be times when an error slips past me. The best you can do is learn from it and keep going so that you can do better next time.

10 More Inspiring Quotes from Great Thinkers for Entrepreneurs

*Click on the flipnook for more business wisdom.