How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business or Brand

If you’re seeking ways to boost your online presence, especially on a visually-driven platform, Pinterest is your ideal destination. With over 478 million active users, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to connect with potential customers, drive website traffic, and ultimately elevate your sales.

In this article, we’ll dive into the intricacies of utilizing Pinterest for your business, starting from creating an effective profile that resonates with your target audience. Crafting a compelling profile is just the beginning; we’ll guide you through building boards that align with your brand, designing visually captivating pins, and sharing your content effectively. We’ll also delve into the art of pin optimization, uncover the potential of using Tailwind for Pinterest, and provide insights into analyzing invaluable data to refine your strategy.

Let’s begin our journey to Pinterest success!

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How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business or Brand pinterest pen

Creating a Profile

Pinterest account creation screen

To get started on Pinterest, the first thing you’ll need to do is visit Pinterest and sign up for a new account. Once you’ve successfully created your account, you can begin building your profile by filling in the appropriate information. This starts with your name or the name of your company. It’s worth taking the time to think carefully about the name you choose for a business, as it’s going to be the primary way people will identify your brand on Pinterest.

But don’t stop there. It’s essential to complete your profile by providing as much relevant information as possible, such as your website URL, a profile picture, and a detailed description of your business. Make sure to include keywords that people might use to search for your business or products. This will help your profile appear in search results, making it easier for people to find you.

To avail the most of Pinterest’s services and features, verify your website. This can be done by including a code on your side and then visiting Pinterest to verify the code is recognized. Very easy step. This will allow you to get the most views of your profile possible.

Building Boards

Pinterest board creation screen

You can at this point start creating boards. Boards are like virtual pinboards where you can save and organize content according to different themes. It’s important to create boards that align with your company’s services or the theme of your blog posts. For instance, if you have a blog about astronomy, you may choose to create boards with names such as stargazing, comets, and galaxies. This will enable you to curate and share content related to these topics, positioning you as an expert in your field.

When uploading your pins, add as many keywords as possible to increase visibility. You may also want to add hashtags to your descriptions.

One way to find keywords to populate your pins is to head over to the search bar and type in a related keyword, after which a list of longtail keywords will populate. You can add these keywords to your pins, but make sure they are a genuine match and not added just for generating traffic.

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Designing Pins

Pinterest pin templates on canva

Creating visually appealing pins is crucial to attract users and drive engagement. However, designing pins can be challenging, especially if you’re not experienced in graphic design.

To create pins that stand out, we recommend two options. The first is to hire an experienced designer on Fiverr who can create high-quality, eye-catching pins that align with your brand’s aesthetic. This option is ideal for those who want to save time and ensure that their pins are of professional quality.

The second option is to work on creating Pinterest pins using a user-friendly platform like Canva. Canva provides a wide range of templates, graphics, and design tools that make it easy for beginners to create visually appealing pins. This option is ideal for those who want to have more control over the design process and prefer a more hands-on approach.

Sharing Pins

Once you have your pins created, the next step is to share them with other users on Pinterest.

One way to do this is by joining Tailwind tribes. Tailwind is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to become a member of various tribes, so you can share your pins with other members in your niche. This is an effective way to reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of your pins.

It’s important to read and follow the rules specified in each tribe to avoid being banned. Tailwind schedules your pins for optimal times when your followers are most likely to be online, giving you the best chance of attracting traffic.

Once you’ve created a business account, which is easy and free. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have access to a wealth of data about your visitors. You can use this data to determine which pins are getting the most repins and adjust your posting strategy accordingly.

A few years ago, it was commonly recommended to post at least 80% of pins from others boards and 20% of your own pins. However, times have changed. Now, if you’re using Pinterest to promote your brand, then you’ll want to post as many pins of your own as possible. Having said that, in the beginning stages, you may not have thousands or hundreds of pins of your own to share, so in that case the bulk of your sharing will be others pins at the start.

What makes an attractive pin? It’s important to first note that dimensions are important. The standard, most common size dimensions are, though larger pins of dimensions are preferred by some brands. We ourselves opted for smaller pins in the beginning, then switched to the larger ones in recent times, and have seen decent traction from them.

Pin Optimization on Pinterest and How to Do It

Pin optimization is crucial for maximizing your reach and engagement on Pinterest. Follow these steps to optimize your pins:

  1. Use High-Quality Images: Choose visually appealing, high-resolution images that resonate with your audience.
  2. Compose Keyword-Rich Descriptions: Write detailed descriptions using relevant keywords to improve discoverability.
  3. Optimize Pin Titles: Craft compelling and descriptive titles for your pins.
  4. Vertical Pins Perform Better: Create taller pins with a 2:3 aspect ratio for better visibility.
  5. Add Relevant Hashtags: Include relevant hashtags to increase the chances of your pins being found through searches.
  6. Create Engaging Pin Captions: Write engaging captions that encourage interaction and storytelling.
  7. Link to Your Website: Ensure each pin directs users to a relevant landing page on your website.
  8. Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding elements like logos, colors, and fonts.
  9. Utilize Rich Pins: Enable rich pins to provide additional context and information.
  10. Pin at Optimal Times: Post your pins when your target audience is most active.

Tailwind for Pinterest

Tailwind‘s scheduler optimizes your pins for the times when your followers are most active, increasing the likelihood of your pins being seen by a wider audience. This can lead to improved website traffic as Pinterest has the potential to reach millions of people. However, it’s important to create visually appealing pins that are likely to be repinned. You can hire a professional to create pins or learn how to create them yourself. Canva is a useful tool for creating visually attractive pins.

We didn’t notice any significant improvement in blog traffic until about two months after we created and uploaded our first pin, so please do not be discouraged if you do not see results right away. This is an investment that will reap rewards if only you take the time to pin high-quality pins, post consistently, and optimize every pin you upload.

A common question from those who are new to the service is whether pending manually or automatically via Tailwind is recommended. And the answer to this is that it would probably benefit you if you post manually just as much as if not more than on Tailwind. The reason is Pinterest would like to see that you were an active participant, and pinning manually show this. The results of manual pinning are that the algorithm will recognize you as an active participant and will show your pins to as many as people as possible.

Analyzing Data

Pinterest analytics screen

Pinterest offers its own analytics tools, which provide insights into your audience demographics, top-performing pins, and overall engagement metrics. You can use this information to identify trends, refine your content strategy, and create targeted campaigns.

By combining the data provided by Pinterest and Tailwind, businesses can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their audience and improve their overall Pinterest marketing strategy. Whether you’re looking to drive traffic to your website or increase brand awareness, analyzing Pinterest data can provide valuable insights that help you achieve your marketing goals.


We hope that you have found our tutorial on using Pinterest for business helpful. Setting up a Pinterest account is a crucial step in expanding your online presence and reaching new audiences. By completing your profile, creating relevant boards, and sharing engaging content, you can connect with potential customers and ultimately drive traffic to your website. So why not give it a try and see how Pinterest can help grow your business?

