How to Write Compelling Blog Posts: 8 Essential Elements

In today’s business digital landscape, attracting a relevant audience and building a community of like-minded individuals through your blog is paramount. According to Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising study, which surveyed over 28,000 online participants across 56 countries, a staggering 92% of global consumers now place their trust in earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising. This represents a significant 18% increase since 2007.

Bloggers, especially those who establish trust and credibility with their audience, are increasingly recognized as sources of earned media. When bloggers offer recommendations or endorsements within their content, their readers often place a similar level of trust in these opinions as they do in recommendations from their close circles. Consequently, blogging has emerged as a powerful channel for advertisers to tap into the consumer trust associated with earned media, potentially influencing purchasing decisions.

Despite the immense potential of blogging, many bloggers face a common challenge–retaining reader engagement. To help you overcome this obstacle and instantly enhance your blog’s impact, this post will delve into valuable tips and tricks for crafting captivating blog posts.

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laptop with an open blank screen on a wooden desk, symbolizing the process of writing a blog post

1. Brainstorm a Topic

The word ideas written on a notepad
When you’re writing a blog post, the first step is to brainstorm a list of possible topics. Next, narrow your list down by considering which categories you want to cover. Ideally, your topic should have some unique spin to it. Once you have a list of possible topics, you can write about one of those topics. Your blog post will be more popular if you choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant to your readers. For a topic, choose anything that’s relevant to the time or is a hot-button problem. It must be relevant to your readers. Then and only then will visitors be motivated to look for your blog post in search results and read it.

A great way to find new blog post topics is to brainstorm topics related to your industry. For example, if you work in the creative industry, try writing down questions that you see people asking. These questions will often inspire new content ideas. You may even find an idea for a new blog post.

Another way to generate blog topic ideas is to browse forums. You can find threads on Reddit that will inspire you to create new posts. You can also conduct a Google search to see what topics other people are writing about. Be sure not to copy other people’s ideas, but use them as inspiration and take notes on what you like.

2. Write a Catchy Title

A man filling in a checklist

Now, you will draft a title out of the chosen topic. Some people don’t think of the title of a post as important. As a result, they fail to give this step of blog writing its due care. A great title tells the audience exactly what the post is about, and should also promise something that will be valuable to the readers. People tend to search for information on search engines, and a catchy headline will make them click on your post. It can increase traffic and social shares. It should be catchy and connect emotionally with the readers. If you have trouble coming up with a catchy title, consider using specific words. For example, if you’re talking about a new product, use a specific word to describe the new product. Your title should be exciting and eye-catching so that people will want to read on and find out more. You might think it’s tempting to try and get clever or cute with your headlines, but if your headline doesn’t immediately grab people’s attention, they’ll skip right over your content.

Developing an effective title for your blog post is crucial for the success of your blog. It will help you attract more traffic and attract a wider audience. To achieve that, try writing a catchy title that evokes curiosity in the readers and elicits an emotion in them. In addition, a catchy title will also improve your search ranking.

When creating a catchy title for your blog post, make sure to use keywords. SEO keywords are your digital writer’s best friend. If you want your post to rank well in search engines, these keywords are essential to your success. The fact of the matter is, titles work as a hook for your target audience. If you think for a second on a personal level, you must have experienced it yourself. You can decide just by the title of a blog post whether you are going to read it or pass it on to the next one. You will be amazed to know that every day, 8 million new blog posts are published on different platforms over the Internet. But a large number of these blogs are never read online by anyone.

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So give title formation proper attention as you would definitely like your blog among the readers and not in the trash category of some search engine.

3. Prepare an Outline for Your Blog Post

A pencil on top of a blank sheet of paper

There are different types of blog posts such as How-tos, Newsletters, Lists, Reviews, Image-based, and Explainers. Each type of post has a distinctive purpose or aim. So, you simply cannot write all these different types of blogs in the same fashion.

A good outline makes it easy for the readers to grasp the flow of the blog as well as enhances understanding of what you are trying to say. The good thing about blog writing is that you have full liberty in how you want to structure or outline your post. Every famous blogger has a unique way to put things before their audience. Similarly, you can also decide on the outline of your blog by yourself. But the important thing is that you must have it before you start writing the post.

4. Include a Call to Action

a compelling 'Call to Action' button with persuasive text, surrounded by vibrant and inviting colors, encouraging reader interaction and engagement

This could be a link to another post on your site or a prompt for readers to subscribe to your mailing list. A call-to-action is essential for converting blog visitors into loyal readers and repeat customers.

Writing a perfect call to action is nothing short of art as you have to create a sense of necessity and urgency among the readers. It requires fine creative writing skills which can only be honed by continuous practice. Writing a call to action is considered very close to copywriting.

5. Compose the Post

A writer composing a blog post on his laptop

For many of us, this can be the most fun. Others may find it less appealing, but regardless this is the part that has to be done. Once you have people’s attention with your headline, it’s essential to keep them engaged by writing in a clear and concise style. No one wants to read a wall of text, so make sure you break up your paragraphs and use subheadings to guide readers through your content.

When it comes to the actual writing of a post, occasionally we all struggle with writer’s block. It is then you must remind yourself that your first draft won’t be perfect. You can always add to it and tweak later. If you still have trouble composing your first lines, you can try some other activity to help you to overcome writer’s block, such as reading, exercising, or taking a long hot shower before returning to the task at hand. For those of us who struggle with writer’s block, noting down any potential contributing factors can be helpful. Once you know the cause, it will be much easier to eliminate writer’s block.

Avoid complicated sentences. Your goal is to compose a post that is informative and enjoyable for your target audience. Such usage only causes stress to the reader and add to all the reasons that the must discontinue reading a certain blog post.

You should always try to write short, simple, and meaningful sentences with normal vocabulary so as to create ease for the readers.

Make your content come alive by engaging your readers with interesting facts and anecdotes. People want to read content that is not only informative but also entertaining. Share personal stories or fascinating tidbits of information to keep people hooked.

6. Carefully Edit and Proofread the Blog Post

A blogger working at his computer

Many blog writers do a lot of hard work in brainstorming and then writing a blog post. However, they show laxity in reviewing the article once it’s complete. Problem is, a blog filled with grammatical and spelling errors not only distracts readers from understanding the subject of your blog but also develops a mistrust among the readers regarding your posts.

Making sure your grammar and spelling are correct is the final essential component of a great blog post. You don’t want to lose credibility with your readers by making minor errors, so take the time to run your material through a spell checker and carefully proofread it before publishing.

A quick read-through will help you catch any errors or typos that you may have missed. Plus, it will allow you to make sure your content flows smoothly and makes sense.

An editing app such as Grammarly can help you edit your copy for better and fast proofreading of your completed blog post.

7. Use Relevant Images to Enhance Engagement

A beautiful painting
“A picture speaks a thousand words” – Frederick R. Barnard

Images in all types of articles, especially How-tos and Explainers, help the readership in better visualization of the post’s subject matter.

Images and videos are important elements of a great blog post. They help keep your readers engaged, breaking up the text and adding visual interest to your content.

Imagine reading a post of more than 1000 words that doesn’t include any interesting images. Without an iota of doubt, such a blog post will be hard to read for anybody. One will only read such a post if he is forced to do so. Here images are immensely important as these work as a refreshing element and help the readers to further keep reading.

If you are unable to provide your own images, Shutterstock. Both offers premium images as well as stock photos that can be used for free with proper attribution. Please note that there are copyright laws to adhere to with most of the images, so add the required credit for every photo.

8. Make Use of SEO

search engine optimization, seo, search engine
As you already know, a lot of blog posts are published daily but very few make it to the readers. So what can you do?

Apart from writing unique and engaging content, an SEO strategy can help you have an increased audience size for your blog posts.

For SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you should use search and use keywords with low Keyword Difficulty (KD) and high audience to result in a better blog ranking for you. Also, you should make sure to use the keywords in adequate frequency. An SEO software suite such as Ahrefs can be used to this effect. Apart from this, when you’re finished writing your post, don’t forget to add a relevant internal link. This will help improve your blog’s SEO and keep readers engaged with your content.

Additional Tips for Crafting Effective Blog Posts

1. Engage the Reader

A beautiful rainbow in the sky

Engaging the reader is crucial, and it starts with presenting insightful and to-the-point content that helps readers solve their problems. But involving the reader goes beyond just piquing their interest. It means putting yourself in their shoes and writing from their prospective. What challenges are they facing that you can help solve? To truly connect with your audience, try relating to them on a personal level. Share stories about how you’ve tackled similar issues and what worked for you. Maybe think about a time when you used the product and it made you feel really happy or excited. Or you can talk about a time when you tried something different with the product and it worked amazingly well. But here’s the important part: to get really good at connecting with your reader, you need to practice a lot. Keep telling stories, keep trying new things, and keep getting better at it. Your readers will appreciate the effort and be more likely to read your work and even purchase your products.

2. Write From Experience

Your experiences can be a valuable part of the writing process. In your articles, trying to infuse as many personal stories as possible. You’ll be surprised at how warm the reception will usually be. Why? We all love stories, particularly ones that are true life, and including these in your writing will keep your readers glued and fascinated, and looking forward to more of your work. Writing from experience can mean recounting interesting stories from your past, or situations that you overcame thanks to the advice in your own article. Readers will come to trust and cherish you more whenever you include personal stories.

3. Use Powerful Words

The word power written on a blackboard

Powerful words can make or break your writing. What are powerful words? These are words that look and sound great on paper. You will want to avoid as many adverbs as possible, though they can be effective in the right situation. One thing you must avoid if you hope to have writing that is effective, is the excessive use of big words when a simple one will suffice. Keeping things simple is key to competent writing. You do not want your readers, who are your potential customers, to have to stop in the middle of a paragraph to look up a difficult word. If you tend to write these big words, then you can include them in your initial draft but have someone take a look at your completed work to see if a better word could replace it.

4. Offer to Solve a Real Problem

the words offer to solve a problem written on a Blackboard

Readers likely came to your blog for a solution to a problem. It is best you present the problem in a realistic way, and show the steps necessary for solving the issue. Whenever you solve a problem, your reader is happy and even excited, and looks forward to more of your posts. Establish yourself as an expert in your field, and you’ll have even more eyeballs on your writing. This of course can mean good news for your bottom line, though keep in mind that readers can sniff out whether you are writing an article just to sell something, or that you genuinely want to help someone and are providing them the information. People love it when you help them, and they can also sense your authenticity. Also keep in mind that even though effective writing involves perfect grammar, sometimes it is best to go on the level of your prospective customer: if the readership is more sophisticated, then your writing should reflect that. If on the other hand most of your subscribers of a different educational background, then you’ll want to relate better to them by using the type of vocabulary they would find easier to understand.


Blogging is a powerful tool for attracting a relevant audience and growing your business. To create captivating blog posts, brainstorm unique and relevant topics, craft catchy titles that promise value, and structure your content with outlines. Engage readers with personal experiences, concise sentences, and powerful words, while offering solutions to their real problems. Include a call to action to guide readers, use relevant images to enhance engagement, and optimize your posts with SEO strategies. Thoroughly edit and proofread your content, and consistently practice your writing skills to foster trust and loyalty with your audience. By following these tips, you can create impactful blog posts that resonate with readers and achieve your blogging goals.

