How to Make Money With ClickBank Without a Website

ClickBank provides a lucrative opportunity for individuals looking to monetize their online presence. With thousands of digital products spanning diverse niches, the platform provides ample opportunities for affiliate marketers to earn commissions by promoting products and driving sales.

These days, many are asking, “Can I start a home-based business? What are some good ideas for spending more time with my family while still making money?”

The answer may be simpler than you think. If you have a computer and an Internet connection, you can start making money with ClickBank today. The truth is, you can make money with ClickBank without a website.

a laptop with ClickBank's logo displayed prominently on the screen

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our disclosure.

ClickBank is an opportunity to connect potential entrepreneurs with companies and their products. This can represent a great opportunity for those willing to put in the hard work. There are thousands of products on ClickBank that you can promote in many niches.

If you’re new to the world of affiliate marketing, it can be overwhelming to navigate ClickBank and make sense of the terminology. That’s why this article is here to help–ClickBank for dummies, if you will. We’ll break down the basics of ClickBank, explain what an affiliate link is and how it works, and show you how to become a ClickBank affiliate.

What is ClickBank?

ClickBank is a global e-commerce platform and affiliate marketplace with more than six million clients worldwide. Companies feature their products and services, and others can join as an affiliate, earning a commission in the process.

When you visit the homepage, you will be greeted by a screen that asks you to input your personal and website information. Once this is done, you submit the application for acceptance.

The great thing about ClickBank is that you can promote products right away. The disadvantage of having thousands of different products to promote and a low barrier of entry is that sometimes you’re not sure of the quality. We encourage you to research products that you’re thinking of promoting thoroughly before committing to selling them. Your clients will be able to tell whether something is on the up and up or not.

What products can I promote, you may ask? Well, take a look at your niche. What are your passions? Are you looking to make as much money as possible? Then you may need a blend of interest and a higher-than-average EPC. The answer to these questions and others will help you choose the best product for you to promote.

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There are rules about how you may promote the product. For instance, for some products, you may not link directly to them. Also, you may not bid certain words with the product. That’s to say, you may not advertise and use these words in your ads. Now when we speak of direct the traffic and ads, we mean not linking from a social media post; you may instead advertise it as a blog post. Ideally, you want to provide value to your potential customer and not just be a walking billboard.

ClickBank offers two distinct options for individuals and businesses. If you are a company seeking affiliates to promote your product, there is a nominal fee of $49.95. And if you are a publisher, you can join ClickBank for free, and establish fruitful relationships with these companies.

When it comes to searching by category, ClickBank makes it very easy. Input your category, and there are other filters as well, such as organizing the potential companies by commission and earnings per click rate, in either descending or ascending order. This makes it a breeze to find the companies that truly would matter to you and who would be willing to offer you a percentage that is agreeable.

There are three characteristics that you must pay attention to.

The first is the EPC, which stands for earnings per click. The higher the number, the more valuable the product in terms of the purchase rate. Obviously, the higher the EPC, the more the product earns, but this is not the only factor you must consider. There is also the length of time that the company has been associated with ClickBank, as well as the percentage of sales that it has made during the past 30, 60, or 90 days. You could also customize the search feature to give you a result for a year or more or less.

Another score to pay attention to is Gravity. This refers to how popular the given product is on the market. But don’t go solely by this metric. A high gravity score means more competition, and you may have more difficulty selling it. Gravity is a number that is given to every product on ClickBank, and it’s used as one of the criteria in the search feature.

It would be helpful to write a few words about your company. Mention any relevant experience promoting products in the niche or any other relevant information that you feel would be helpful to the company so as to make their decision. Most will reply within three days, though this varies of course from company to company. Mostly, they are looking for a website that is easy to navigate through, free of grammar errors, as well as useful information that your readers will find useful.

What products should I promote on ClickBank?

You’ll want to promote a product that you feel comfortable promoting as it relates to your knowledge of the market and its trends, but also one that you’ll be interested in selling.

For example, if you’re passionate about fitness and health, then you may want to look into promoting a health supplement or workout program. Or, if you’re interested in make money online programs, then you can look into promoting one of those.

Then there’s the commission rate. A higher commission rate doesn’t always mean it is a better product. Perhaps it is a new company offering a higher-than-average commission rate to promote sales as a start-up. You want to do the research yourself and pick a company that’s a nice blend of all three.

The more you stay on ClickBank and surf the site, the more familiar you will become with the products and the companies. This makes it much easier to make an informed decision.

Within each listing, you’ll see company stats, such as EPC, commission percentage offer, and the types of products it offers. Some companies may also provide email sequences that you can then use to promote their product, though there are rules, and we encourage you to make sure you understand them before promoting a product.

A mistake many beginners make is that they choose a product solely based on the commission rate or how much money they will make per sale. But this is not always the best approach. You want to consider other factors as well, such as the gravity score, length of time with ClickBank, and EPC.

This is a process that takes time and patience, but it will be worth it in the end when you’re making money from promoting a product that you actually believe in. Otherwise, it will be difficult to sell, and you likely won’t make many sales.

Is ClickBank still profitable in 2023?

With so many changes happening in the world, it can be difficult to know what will still be profitable in the coming years. But one thing is for sure, and that is that ClickBank will still be around and still be profitable. In fact, it is expected to grow even more in popularity due to the number of people now working from home and looking for ways to make money online.

As long as there are products to be sold and people interested in buying them, ClickBank will continue to be a viable option for those looking to make money online.

A note on percentages. Quite a few affiliates offer percentages that are above 50%. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the product is a harder sale; rather, the company has offered this as a way to lure as many affiliates as possible. Take advantage of this opportunity, especially when you know that there is great potential to market your affiliate product based on the types of followers and visitors to your website.

75% commission can add up nicely when you’re promoting multiple products, but so can products at 15% or lower. On the other hand, there are companies that offer a much lower commission rate, though these products may be a better fit and you could therefore so many more. Do the math and plan accordingly.

Once you’ve received an approval, then you can then grab your product links. The product links are offered in HTML as well as JavaScript. You can copy and paste the code onto your website.

Promoting your product is something totally different, and for that we’ve compiled a list of the essential elements of a blog post. Blog posts are great ways to promote a product, though YouTube too can reap rewards.

Say you have a YouTube channel that promotes cat food. You could introduce this product to your followers on say YouTube and include a link in your description. Once they click on this link and buy, you earn a commission.

This is a very basic way to make money with ClickBank, but it can still be quite effective, especially if you have a large following on your YouTube channel.

Some of us lack confidence in front of a camera. If this is the case for you, you may consider hiring someone who does have experience working in front of a camera and who could best promote your ClickBank products.

Perhaps you’ll need to make arrangements with that individual to offer a certain amount from your commissions, or explore other arrangements. That person will be willing to work harder, knowing that his commissions will be solely based on sales.

You may also consider creating a sales funnel, which is a series of emails that promote a product. You can use an existing email list or create a new one. This can be time consuming, but it will be worth it in the end when you make sales.

Email marketing can be very effective, especially if you have a list of subscribers who are interested in what you have to say. You can send out a series of emails over a period of time, each one leading up to the point where you promote your product.

You can use an email service such as MailChimp or AWeber to automate this process and make it easier on yourself.

What are some profitable niches on ClickBank?

The categories that make the most money on ClickBank are self-help, health, and diet.

Not every category will work well with your followers. That’s why you need help in picking a niche when you first start your blog. Choose a topic that you find interesting and that has potential to earn you money. As with anything, the more you’re interested in something, then the more heart and soul you will pour into your efforts.

To stand out from the crowd, we also advise that you state how you intend to promote their products–whether through content, social media, or through word of mouth. Some bloggers also use social media influencers to promote products on their blog. If you’ve got some clout, you can state this as well. There are hundreds and thousands of others competing for the right to promote a company’s products, so do what you can to stand out from the rest of the pack.

The best way to make money with ClickBank is to find products that are in line with your interests and promote them. For example, if you’re a fitness blogger, you could promote fitness equipment or supplements. If you’re a beauty blogger, you could promote cosmetics or skincare products. Once you’ve found a few good products, then it’s time to start promoting them on your blog or social media channels.

How to make money with ClickBank without a website

Making some money on YouTube with ClickBank, in theory, is easy. All you have to do is put up a video and introduce your product.

The reality is that in order to experience success selling your product, it’s important that you have as many followers as possible. The more followers, the higher the chances that someone will eventually like your product.

Some visitors to your YouTube channel will also want to see the product several times before making a decision. This is where providing consistent and helpful information will go a long way.

Your YouTube videos could be tutorials on how to use the product, its pros and cons, or they could offer your viewers a cheat sheet or a guide to using the product. An added bonus of using YouTube to promote ClickBank products is you have the possibility of starting your own mailing list.

An email list is valuable to Internet marketers as it is a list of those who’ve expressed interest in your product. You could market them anytime, Even even with products that you initially did not introduce to them. So having a YouTube channel to promote your ClickBank products will be an advantage to you as an affiliate marketer.

To get started, you need to determine what product you want to promote and create a video around it. Your video should be at least 10 minutes long and should offer helpful information about the product. You can either record yourself talking about the product, or you could use a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover, although the latter option may not be as effective.

After you’ve created your video, you need to upload it to YouTube and include a link to the ClickBank product in the description. You should also create a website where potential customers can learn more about the product and purchase it if they’re interested.

You can promote your video through social media and by emailing your subscribers. You should also consider creating ads on popular websites and blogs to drive traffic to your video.

Learning YouTube SEO will also be beneficial as it will help you rank your video higher in YouTube’s search results. The higher your video is ranked, the more likely people are to find and watch it.

How to Make Money with ClickBank on Instagram

Instagram can be a powerful platform for promoting ClickBank products and generating income. Follow these steps to start making money:

  1. Create a Niche-Focused Instagram Account: Choose a specific niche related to ClickBank products that you’re passionate about or have expertise in.
  2. Optimize Your Profile: Set up a professional and attractive profile with a clear bio and a link to your ClickBank affiliate link or landing page.
  3. Curate High-Quality Content: Share visually appealing posts that showcase the benefits and features of the ClickBank products you’re promoting.
  4. Use Engaging Captions: Write compelling captions that highlight the value of the products and encourage your audience to take action.
  5. Research Hashtags and Keywords: Look up and include relevant hashtags and keywords in your posts to increase discoverability.
  6. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with Instagram influencers in your niche to reach a wider audience and build credibility.
  7. Utilize Stories and Reels: Take advantage of Instagram Stories and Reels to create short, engaging videos about the ClickBank products.
  8. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, messages, and engage with your followers to build a loyal community.
  9. Promote Exclusive Offers: Offer special promotions or discounts to your followers to incentivize them to purchase through your affiliate links.
  10. Track and Analyze: Use Instagram Insights and ClickBank’s analytics to monitor your performance and make data-driven improvements.

Follow these strategies, and you can leverage the power of Instagram to effectively promote ClickBank products and earn commissions.

How can I make money with ClickBank and blog posts?

Along with YouTube, this can be one of the most profitable ways to promote your product. You write a blog post online on a site such as Medium or LinkedIn, and in the article, you introduce the product and its pros and cons and show your readers how to use it. Toward the end of the blog post, you could then include a link for readers to click on to be taken to the product purchasing page for your affiliate.

How do I make money on ClickBank with other social networks?

Just as with YouTube, you will post content consistently and acquire subscribers. The more value in the post, the more engagement you will receive and the higher you will be in Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter’s algorithm. You could also use paid advertising, though the rules with this can be strict since you are selling a product that’s not yours.

If you’re using Instagram, you can post photos or videos with a link in your profile bio. Additionally, since Instagram now lets all users post links on their stories, you can take advantage of this by swiping up on your story and including a link to your product. Just make sure to include some background in your story, telling your followers what the link is for so they don’t get confused.

With Facebook and X, you can create a post with your link included and share it on your profile or timeline. You could also boost the post for a fee, which would make it appear in the feeds of more people.

Oftentimes you’ll have to send potential clients to a landing page or a blog post. There you could ask for the sale. Read the rules for each product or program. This goes with any affiliate network.

While some people may recommend you to buy followers for your social media accounts, this is not always the best idea. You want real and engaged followers that will interact with your content. There are plenty of ways to increase your social media following without resorting to buying followers.

When promoting ClickBank products on social media, it’s important that you remain professional. This means no spamming people’s timelines or inboxes with links to your product. You should only post about the product when it’s relevant, and you should always disclose that you’re an affiliate.

Can I make money with ClickBank without a website?

One way to earn money with ClickBank if you don’t have a website is to place your own products on the network. Vendors can choose from three product iterations—digital, physical, or recurring. Vendors can then set a commission percentage for each product sale.

  • Digital Products: Digital products are items that can be downloaded, such as e-books, software, music, and videos. These products don’t have to be shipped or handled in any way. For instance, if you were a software developer, you can add your programs or games to ClickBank for people to purchase.
  • Physical Products: Physical products are ones that have to be shipped and handled. Supplements are one of the most common physical products on ClickBank. If you have a physical product to sell, you can add it to ClickBank and let people purchase it from the network.
  • Recurring Products: Recurring products are ones that customers pay for on a subscription basis, such as magazine subscriptions, online memberships, and software programs. If you have a recurring product, you can add it to ClickBank, and people can pay for it every month (or however often the subscription is).


ClickBank has enormous earning potential for you as a blogger, and it is easy to start. You can make money with ClickBank without a website. Sign up for an account today and input the categories that most interest you to find products that will help your followers and make you money. The quality of the vendors varies, so research each one thoroughly, and don’t be afraid to experiment with a variety of media to promote your product. Do this and watch not only your earnings rise, but your following as well.

