How to Ask & Get Good Customer Reviews [+Examples]

In today’s digital age, online reviews wield incredible power over businesses. They can determine whether a potential customer chooses to engage with your company or not. But how do you go about gathering these valuable reviews effectively? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll not only explore nine proven strategies but also provide real-world examples to help you master the art of soliciting online reviews.

Online reviews are more than just feedback; they’re a reflection of your brand’s reputation and credibility. Our guide will equip you with the knowledge and tactics needed to boost your online presence through authentic customer reviews.

Let’s learn these nine invaluable tips and discover how they can propel your business to new heights while maintaining a strong and loyal customer base.


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Why Are Online Reviews Important for Businesses

Online reviews serve as a virtual word-of-mouth network where people share their thoughts and experiences with products, services, or businesses. They come in various forms: video reviews where folks showcase how something works, social media comments where users discuss their favorite finds, and written reviews on platforms like Yelp or Amazon where customers rate and review their experiences, often with businesses responding.

Reviews act as a guide for decision-making. Think about when your friend suggests a cool new band or a must-try restaurant; you’re more inclined to check it out, right? Online reviews work similarly, giving you insights into what’s worth your time and money. They also boost a business’s online visibility, build trust, and contribute to its success.

Positive reviews can propel a business to greater heights. Plus, when businesses take feedback seriously and make improvements, it tends to lead to even more positive reviews, creating a cycle of growth. In essence, online reviews are like a powerful tool shaping the fate of businesses in the digital age.

Now that we’ve covered why reviews are so important, let’s delve into the ways to obtain them from your customers.

How to Ask & Get Good Customer Reviews [+Examples] pinterest pin

1. Make a List

A Notepad with a List of Best Customers and a Pen

By now, you should have compiled a list of your best customers. This list is a valuable asset, as it represents a pool of individuals who have experienced your products or services and are potentially willing to share their insights. Take this list and meticulously check off those customers whom you’re certain will provide valuable feedback. These are the loyal patrons, the ones who have repeatedly expressed satisfaction with your offerings. Their feedback can be a powerful tool for boosting your reputation. Bon’t stop there. It’s equally important to focus on those customers about whom you’re not entirely certain. Their feedback can be just as valuable, offering perspectives and insights that you might not have considered. To identify them, look for customers who may have had mixed experiences or who haven’t been very vocal in the past. Once you’ve decided on the customers to contact, consider your communication approach. While a face-to-face conversation is ideal for building rapport and gathering detailed feedback, in the online world, this isn’t always feasible. Instead, use the most appropriate method for reaching out, whether it’s via phone, email, or even social media messaging. The key to successful feedback collection is making the process as convenient and appealing as possible for your customers. Be respectful of their time, and provide them with clear instructions on how to share their feedback, whether through a dedicated survey, review platform, or direct conversation.

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2. Choose a Platform

entrepreneur soliciting a positive review from a happy customer

When it comes to collecting feedback and reviews from your valued customers, you have a multitude of platforms to choose from. These platforms offer various avenues for your customers to express their thoughts and experiences, helping you build a more comprehensive understanding of your business’s strengths and areas for improvement. Among the most popular options are well-established platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, and trusted review websites. These platforms have extensive user bases and are widely recognized for their credibility. Encouraging customers to leave reviews on these platforms can greatly enhance your online presence and reputation. But don’t limit yourself to just these traditional venues. In today’s interconnected digital landscape, there are numerous additional opportunities to solicit feedback. You can encourage customers to share their experiences on their own social media profiles, whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), or other platforms relevant to your business. This approach allows for a more personal touch and can reach a broader audience.

3. Ask

Person Holding a Phone, Indicating They Are Asking for Reviews

For some, this is actually the hardest part. If you’re a company seeking to improve your online reputation through customer reviews, refining your approach can be challenging. It’s a valuable skill that can significantly impact your business endeavors. The best aspect of soliciting reviews from your customers is that it allows them to voice their opinions and connect with your brand on a personal level. When you request a review, take the time to address any concerns or issues that your customers may have encountered during their interactions with your products or services. The process of encouraging reviews goes beyond mere solicitation. It’s about building a robust reputation management strategy. Demonstrating a commitment to resolving any problems can increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews. Consider implementing a well-timed follow-up, reminding customers of your request without being intrusive. Express gratitude, regardless of whether they choose to leave a positive or critical review. Lastly, maintain consistency in your review solicitation efforts, continuously building your online reputation through authentic customer feedback.

4. Make It Easy

Business Owner Shaking Hands with a Satisfied Customer

In a fast-paced world, where businesses are buying for your attention, it’s imperative to make things as easy as possible for your customers. Once they’ve decided to leave a review, then provide them with the location of where you’d like the review to be, and any additional information that might be helpful to them. You may also wish to provide them with a one-page questionnaire, that they can fill out and send back to you after they’ve completed it. The purpose of the questionnaire is the gauge the sincerity of the actual review, and also to look for ways to improve your services for your customers. When you make things easier for your customer, they will remember and will respond accordingly. Consider utilizing multiple channels for review collection, such as email, social media, or dedicated review platforms. Tailor your requests to suit the preferences of your diverse customer base, making it as convenient as possible for them to share their opinions. Every review, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity to showcase your dedication to customer satisfaction. Responding thoughtfully to reviews, especially addressing concerns and expressing gratitude for positive feedback, can enhance your brand’s reputation further.

5. Choose the Best Times

Clock with Busy Schedule, Emphasizing the Importance of Timing

We are all pressed for time, it seems. Whenever we let our customers know that we appreciate their time and the business that they give your company, they will remember you more and consider you in the future over your competition. If you want to let them know that you appreciate them even more, then allow them to write the reviews whenever they can. Also, do not force them to say yes to writing a review. When you contact them, let them know first that you understand how important time is for them, and that if they cannot do the review, then you’ll understand. But for those who’ve already expressed interesting writing a review for you, don’t make it seem as if you’re pressed for the review. Communicating with them is important, and let them know that when you receive the review, you’ll be very happy. In terms of the day of the week that’s best to contact your customers, note that Monday, being the first day of the week, is when most may be a bit grumpy. Avoid the first day of the work week. Instead, try something like Friday or even a weekend to contact your customers whenever possible, and you’ll know the difference in people’s moods.

6. Offer Solutions to Issues

person holding a clipboard engages with diverse customers, symbolizing the essence of creating effective customer questionnaires

If during the conversation or even after your customer has written a review they brought up some issues that need to be taken care of, then fix these for them. Who knows whether your customer will tell others about your business or services, and word of mouth can be very beneficial to bottom line. Offer to fix each and every problem and do not hesitate to offer a discount or complimentary services in order to make up for whatever inconveniences or disappointments that your customer went through. If during the conversation with your customers they’ve expressed disappointment and your service, then tell them that you can help resolve the situation for them so that they’re satisfied. Do not tell them that you want a positive review. Let them decide on their own, but if they bring up any issues during the conversation, then offer to resolve these first. You’ll avoid a negative review while warming yourself up even further to your prospects.

7. Utilize Email Campaigns

Screenshot of an email inbox with a subject line: 'Request for Your Valuable Review.' The email displays a friendly message, a star rating system, and a 'Write a Review' button
Email campaigns can be a powerful tool in your quest for customer reviews. Craft well-designed, personalized emails that kindly request feedback from your customers. Make the process as straightforward as possible by including a direct link to the review platform you prefer. Personalization is key here. Address customers by their names and express your gratitude for their past patronage. Explain the importance of their reviews in helping your business grow and improve. Highlight how their opinions matter. Consider timing your email requests strategically. For instance, you can send them shortly after a successful purchase or interaction when their experience with your business is still fresh in their minds. A gentle reminder email can also be effective for those who haven’t responded initially.

8. Incorporate Social Proof

Collage of Happy Customers Smiling and Holding Products, Demonstrating Social Proof
Harness the power of social proof to encourage customer reviews. Display your existing positive reviews prominently on your website and across your social media profiles. When potential customers see that others have had a good experience with your business, it builds trust and credibility. They are more likely to follow suit and leave reviews themselves. Create dedicated sections on your website to showcase these reviews, complete with star ratings and customer testimonials. Share snippets of positive feedback on your social media posts to continually reinforce the positive image of your brand. You can also encourage customers to share their experiences on their own social media profiles, tagging your business. This not only generates reviews but also extends your reach to their networks. Incorporating social proof into your online presence can significantly boost your review collection efforts and strengthen your brand’s reputation.

9. Offer Incentives

Gift Box with a Bow, Symbolizing Review Incentives

Sometimes, a little extra motivation can go a long way in encouraging customers to leave reviews. Consider offering incentives as a way to express your appreciation for their feedback. Incentives can take various forms, such as discounts, freebies, or exclusive access to promotions. When customers know they’ll get something in return for their time and effort, they are more likely to engage. Be transparent about your incentive program. Clearly state the terms and conditions, including any eligibility criteria. Make sure your incentive program aligns with the policies of the review platform you’re using; some platforms have strict rules regarding incentives. When implementing incentives, focus on building a positive, mutually beneficial relationship with your customers. Express your gratitude for their reviews and make them feel valued for their contributions. Incorporating incentives into your review strategy can not only increase the quantity but also improve the quality of your customer reviews.

5 Real-World Examples of Successful Review Solicitation

1. Local Restaurant: Tabletop Request Cards

Imagine you own a local restaurant. To encourage customer reviews, place small cards on each tabletop. These cards kindly ask diners to share their thoughts on platforms like OpenTable, Foursquare, Zagat, Gayot, Yelp or Google Reviews. Offer an incentive, such as a free dessert or appetizer, for leaving a review. This method not only prompts feedback but also rewards loyal customers.

2. E-commerce Store: Post-Purchase Emails

If you run an e-commerce store, seize the post-purchase moment. Send personalized follow-up emails to customers shortly after they receive their orders. Express gratitude for their purchase and kindly request reviews. You can include direct links to review platforms like Trustpilot or Amazon. Offer a discount on their next purchase as an incentive for taking the time to review.

3. Software Company: Requesting Post-Trial Reviews

Suppose you operate a software company. After a customer completes a free trial of your software, send them an automated follow-up email. Express your gratitude for their trial and kindly request feedback on their experience. Offer a limited-time discount on the full version of the software as an incentive for their review. This approach encourages users to share their thoughts after experiencing your product firsthand.

4. Bed and Breakfast: In-Room Review Cards

If you own a cozy bed and breakfast, enhance the guest experience by placing review cards in each guestroom. These cards could include a QR code that leads to your TripAdvisor or Airbnb review page. Encourage guests to share their stay’s highlights and offer a small complimentary gift or discount on their next booking as a token of appreciation. This strategy helps capture immediate feedback and builds a positive online presence for your establishment.

5. Home Service Provider: Post-Service Follow-Up

As a home service provider, consider sending post-service follow-up emails or texts. Express gratitude for choosing your services and inquire about their experience. Provide direct links to review platforms such as HomeAdvisor or Angi (formerly Angie’s List). Offer a discount on their next service as an incentive for leaving a review. This approach not only collects valuable feedback but also strengthens your online reputation.


Asking for reviews isn’t rocket science. Make sure you offer a solution to customers whom you may have disappointed. Your customers are your best chance at promoting your business, because eventually many of them will tell others about you. If you apply these techniques and continue providing awesome services, eventually your blog will start to experience the kind of growth that every entrepreneur dreams of. And never forget to express your gratitude to your customers for taking the time to leave reviews; it’s a gesture that can build lasting loyalty.