10 Hacks to Increase Your Credit Score Fast

Having good credit is one of the requirements for doing things such as getting a job, buying a house, or securing an apartment for rent. But, how do you increase your credit score quickly? Because the reality is, without good credit, you will have many closed doors.

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One of the best steps you can take to increase your credit rating fast is to get a copy of your report. You can do this by calling or writing a letter to the credit bureau.


After receiving your report, if you see an old account that perhaps you forgot about and it is still open, see what payment plans to can arrange with the debtor (though it may not be a erased from your report). On other hand, you will want to make sure that any accounts that are valid and for which you’re legally responsible. By law the credit bureau has 30 days to investigate whether it is yours or not. It would be wise to include any supporting documents you have in the letter, Such as rent stubs, copies of old IDs, or police reports.

Having a mix of credit types will help improve your score. The reason is that they want to see consumers with both installment loans and credit cards. Perhaps you are repaying student loans or a car. If that is the case you may also wish to have an extra one or two credit cards.Having too many credit cards is not recommended, but by having at least one you will demonstrate that you are also capable of responsively handling credit debts.

Now that you know some basic tips on increasing your credit score fast, let’s go over the specific ways in more detail:

Person reviewing credit report and taking notes, symbolizing the step-by-step process to improve credit scores

1. Obtain and Challenge If Incorrect Your Credit Report

This crucial step can be accomplished online through one of the three credit agencies or by calling them directly. Be prepared to provide proof of identity, as your credit report may not be accessible without it. Taking the time to regularly check and challenge inaccuracies ensures your credit report accurately reflects your financial history, a fundamental aspect of credit score maintenance.

2. Understand Your Credit Score

Understanding credit score ranges is pivotal. Aim for a score of at least 600, considered fair credit, and strive for above 700 to secure the best rates and loan terms. A solid grasp of your credit standing empowers you to make informed decisions about your financial future. Regularly monitoring your credit score keeps you informed about your financial health and encourages proactive steps to enhance it further.

3. Know the Top 5 Factors

Comprehend the top five factors as mentioned above; these are the five most important factors influencing your credit scores: payment history (35%), amounts owed (30%), credit history length (15%), credit mix (10%), and new credit (10%). This knowledge provides insights into areas where you can focus to maximize your credit improvement efforts. Understanding these factors allows you to tailor your financial decisions to positively impact your credit score.

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4. Address Old Accounts

If you discover old accounts on your credit report, take proactive steps to address them. Explore payment plans with the debtor, and verify the validity of any accounts for which you are legally responsible. Credit bureaus have 30 days to investigate the legitimacy of reported accounts. Timely addressing old accounts not only cleans up your credit report but also demonstrates responsible financial management, positively impacting your credit score.

5. Diversify Your Credit Types

Boost your credit score by maintaining a diverse mix of credit types. Lenders prefer to see consumers with both installment loans and credit cards. While having too many credit cards is not recommended, responsibly managing at least one demonstrates your ability to handle credit debts. Actively seeking a balanced mix of credit types showcases your financial versatility and responsibility, contributing positively to your credit score.

6. Scrutinize Your Credit Report

Thoroughly review every item on your credit report. If you encounter unrecognized items, promptly contact the credit agency to dispute and rectify inaccuracies. This meticulous examination ensures the accuracy of your credit report, a fundamental aspect of credit score improvement. Regular scrutiny of your credit report not only maintains its accuracy but also empowers you to catch and rectify potential issues before they impact your credit score negatively.

7. Craft a Letter with Supporting Documents

In cases where discrepancies persist, craft a formal letter to the credit agency. Include supporting documents such as letters from former employers or notifications from relevant companies to substantiate your claims. This proactive approach strengthens your dispute and increases the likelihood of a favorable resolution. Taking the extra step of providing supporting documents adds weight to your dispute, expediting the resolution process and minimizing the impact on your credit score.

8. Utilize US Federal Law

Familiarize yourself with your rights under US Federal Law when disputing items on your credit report. Credit bureaus have a legal obligation to respond within 30 days of your request for information pertaining to disputed accounts. Leverage this timeframe to ensure a thorough investigation of your concerns. Understanding and utilizing US Federal Law empowers you as a consumer, ensuring credit bureaus adhere to the mandated timeframe and conduct a comprehensive investigation, giving you the best chance for a favorable resolution.

9. Apply for Credit Cards

Strategically apply for credit cards with a low annual fee to build your credit over time. Even if you don’t qualify for an unsecured credit card initially, secured cards offer a valuable opportunity for credit improvement. Patience and adherence to responsible credit practices contribute to long-term positive results. The strategic application of credit cards, coupled with responsible financial management, establishes a positive credit history, gradually enhancing your credit score over time.

10. Navigate Financial Hardships

In times of financial hardships, maintaining resilience is crucial. For those experiencing job loss, persistent job searches are essential. Use unemployment as an opportunity to upskill and enhance qualifications. Embrace minimalism in spending while also prioritizing mental well-being through reasonable indulgences. Open communication with creditors allows for the negotiation of manageable payment arrangements, ensuring financial stability during challenging times. Navigating financial hardships requires a multifaceted approach, blending resilience, strategic financial decisions, and open communication for a holistic and effective credit score management strategy.


Starting with obtaining and scrutinizing your credit report, address discrepancies and old accounts promptly. Diversifying your credit types, understanding the top factors influencing your credit scores, and crafting a well-supported dispute letter are essential strategies. Utilize US Federal Law to ensure a thorough investigation of reported accounts within the 30-day timeframe. Don’t just settle for a good credit score; aim for financial empowerment. As you navigate financial hardships, remember that resilience and adaptability are your greatest allies. By embracing these strategies, you’re not just improving your credit; you’re laying the foundation for a more secure and prosperous future.