10 Unique Breakfasts from Around the World

Step into a world where breakfast is not just a meal but a celebration of cultural diversity. We invite you to explore the unconventional, the unexpected, and the downright weird breakfasts from around the world. From the bustling markets of Nigeria to the tranquil kitchens of Japan, a few of these breakfasts may initially raise an eyebrow but are bound to leave your taste buds intrigued. This blog post a virtual journey that transcends geographical boundaries, where each bite tells a story, and every dish is a testament to the vibrant tapestry of global flavors. Prepare to be enticed, inspired, and perhaps a little surprised as we shine a spotlight on breakfasts that defy the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary.

Breakfast Traditions Across the Globe

Breakfast, often hailed as the most important meal of the day, varies significantly across cultures, reflecting unique culinary histories and regional ingredients. In many countries, breakfast is a leisurely affair, bringing families and communities together to share a hearty and culturally significant start to the day.

In contrast to the traditional American breakfast, which commonly features cereal, pancakes, or bacon and eggs, global breakfast traditions showcase a wide array of flavors, textures, and ingredients. These breakfasts around the world reflect not only local tastes but also the cultural importance placed on the first meal of the day.


While Americans often opt for convenience and quick fixes in their breakfast choices, other cultures prioritize a more elaborate and communal approach. Each of the countries on our list adhere to their own choices for the morning meal.

As we explore international breakfasts–many of which would be considered unconventional to most of us Americans–we’ll cover a bit of the traditions that shape these morning rituals, highlighting the diverse ways people across the globe come together to savor the beginning of a new day. The various breakfasts on our list showcase the ingenuity and creativity embedded in global culinary traditions. We hope you will enjoy reading about the various breakfasts around the world, and provide you with inspiration to cook up your own morning meal.

Unlocking the Uniqueness of Global Breakfasts

What makes breakfast truly fascinating is its ability to encapsulate the essence of a culture on a plate. As we venture into the world of unconventional breakfasts, it becomes evident that each dish is a unique expression of regional flavors, culinary traditions, and the daily rituals that shape communities.

Each of the breakfasts we explore carries a distinctive identity. The unusual combinations and unexpected flavors challenge preconceived notions, inviting us to broaden our culinary horizons. These breakfasts go beyond mere sustenance; they tell stories of heritage, local ingredients, and the creative spirit of people worldwide.

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A variety of breakfasts from around the world on a table

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1. Japan

Breakfast from Japan

In Japan, a unique breakfast is “Natto,” fermented soybeans often served with rice. Known for its strong smell and sticky texture, Natto is rich in nutrients and a staple in Japanese morning cuisine. Click here for recipe.

2. Mexico

A mexican breakfast

In Mexico, “Chilaquiles” stands out as a widely favored breakfast option. Chilaquiles features fried tortilla chips smothered in salsa, topped with cheese, sour cream, and sometimes eggs. Click here for recipe.

3. Sweden

Haggis breakfast from Scotland

“Filmjölk” is a beloved Swedish breakfast choice, resembling yogurt but boasting a thinner consistency and a pleasant tanginess. Filmjölk’s versatility shines through when paired with an array of toppings, including hearty muesli, crunchy granola, and vibrant fresh berries. For those with a penchant for sweetness, a drizzle of honey or maple syrup elevates its flavor profile. Beyond its delectable taste, filmjölk packs a nutritional punch, providing essential probiotics, protein, and nutrients to kickstart the day on a healthy note.

4. China

Chinese breakfast

In China, you might find “Congee.” Congee is made by simmering rice in a substantial amount of water or broth until it reaches a smooth and creamy consistency, and can be served plain or with various toppings such as pickled vegetables, century eggs, meats, or preserved tofu. Click here for recipe.

5. Australia

Australian breakfast

For breakfast, Australians enjoy “Vegemite and Avocado Pancake Tower.” This unconventional Australian creation features layers of pancakes smeared with Vegemite, stacked with slices of creamy avocado. A sweet and savory medley, combined with unexpected textures, Vegemite and Avocado Pancake Tower delivers a breakfast experience that defies expectations. Click here for recipe.

6. Türkiye

Turkish breakfast Menemen on a tabld

The Turkish breakfast delight known as “Menemen with Chocolate” is an eccentric twist on the traditional Menemen dish involves adding chunks of rich, dark chocolate to the classic mix of eggs, tomatoes, and peppers. The resulting dish is a sweet and savory fusion that challenges breakfast norms. Click here for recipe.

7. Morocco

Moroccan breakfast

In Morocco, a common breakfast is “Bissara,” a thick soup made from dried and puréed broad beans. Bissara is seasoned with garlic, olive oil, and cumin. Click here for recipe.

8. Nigeria

Nigerian breakfast

In Nigeria for breakfast you can enjoy “Moi Moi.” Moi Moi (also spelled Moin Moin), a steamed bean pudding, is a staple made from grounded peeled beans, onions, peppers, and spices, creating a savory and slightly spicy dish. It is often complemented by Akamu, a fermented corn porridge that adds a comforting and slightly tangy element to the meal. Click here for recipe.

9. Iran

In Iran, “Kashk-e Bademjan” is a distinctive vegetarian breakfast choice featuring mashed roasted eggplants mixed with Kashk (strained yogurt) and flavored with garlic and mint. This dish is often sprinkled with a dash of saffron oil. Served at room temperature, Kashk-e Bademjan is often garnished with fried onions and served with flatbread. Click here for recipe.

10. Brazil

In Brazil, a peculiar breakfast option is “Cuscuz Paulista.” Cuscuz Paulista consists of finely ground cornmeal cooked with various ingredients like shredded chicken, olives, peas, and sometimes hard-boiled eggs, and often molded into the shape of a cake. Click here for recipe.