8 Bedtime Habits of High Achievers

A clock showing a late hour

Crucial to success in life are a plan, hard work, and originality. Some of the most successful people in the world attribute their achievements to these three factors. But how do you improve on them? That is a very good question, and one that gurus, philosophers, and teachers have been pondering for centuries. We think that it’s important to have good sleep when pursuing your …

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The 11 Most Beautiful Flags in the World

Dozens of beautiful flags of different countries

Recently I discovered a newfound interest and pleasure in the flags of the world, fueled partly by my watching YouTube videos in which hosts presents the quirky side of vexillology. That’s a fancy word that means the study of flags. These videos often are humorous and can increase one’s knowledge and appreciation of national flags throughout the world. In this post, I’d like to share …

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