Learning Romanian opens doors to a rich cultural and linguistic heritage deeply rooted in the history of Eastern Europe. As a Romance language directly descended from Vulgar Latin, Romanian shares a kinship with languages such as French, Italian, and Spanish, yet retains a distinct character shaped by its Dacian and Slavic influences over centuries.
A knowledge of Romanian enhances travel experiences throughout Romania and Moldova, where it is the primary language. Speaking Romanian facilitates deeper cultural immersion, allowing travelers to connect authentically with locals, understand traditional customs, and appreciate regional cuisine. In a globalized economy, proficiency in Romanian can also be advantageous, especially in sectors like IT, engineering, and healthcare, where Romania plays a significant role.
Beyond its practical applications, Romanian offers access to a rich cultural history, including literature by renowned writers like Mihai Eminescu and Mircea Eliade, vibrant folk music traditions, and internationally acclaimed films from the Romanian New Wave. Exploring these cultural facets in their native language provides a nuanced understanding and deeper appreciation of Romania’s artistic contributions and societal complexities.
My own personal experience with Romania
I had the opportunity to live in Romania in 2004, and I enjoyed my time there. Bucharest is a sprawling, vibrant capital of 2 million that has a lot to offer to tourists. The city’s architecture, in a neoclassical style, was inspired by the former leader Nicolae Ceaușescu’s visit to Pyongyang, North Korea, in the 1970s. The city is still occasionally referred to as “Little Paris,” especially when discussing its historical and cultural heritage. Although the city has evolved significantly over the years, developing its own unique identity, the nickname remains a nostalgic reference to a period when Bucharest was heavily influenced by French architecture and culture.
Three things that immediately stood out for me was how inexpensive rent was compared to that in other cities, how there seem to be no crime–or at least very little of it–and the remarkable purchasing power of the dollar. Perhaps the country is much more expensive now, but back then, it seemed like a bargain. What I don’t particularly care for? Honestly, there’s not much I dislike about the country. In Bucharest, some taxi drivers may refuse short-distance trips, though with the abundance of taxis available, finding one isn’t typically an issue. As for bureaucratic places like the post office, bank, and supermarkets during holidays, expect long lines.
Romanians seemed sane, too. I never once felt in danger. The country gave the impression of being one large family, and this collective spirit of unity may explain the rarity of violence among Romanians themselves.
Regarding safety in Romania, it’s one of the safest countries in the world. Doubtful? Just Google ‘Is Romania safe?’, and you’ll find firsthand accounts from travelers—both locals and foreigners—who share their experiences of never feeling themselves in any danger. Gun violence is nearly nonexistent; during my time there, I never heard of a shooting incident. While there were occasional stabbings, these mostly occurred during altercations between acquaintances.
But this is a language post, and I can go on and on, so after a bit of cultural background, let’s now continue with 30 beautiful words, phrases, and sayings.
From poetic phrases and heartfelt expressions, to insightful proverbs and terms of endearment, each is a testament to the enduring spirit of its people.
These expressions are not just linguistic tools; they are windows into the values, emotions, and traditions of the people who use them. Adding them to your vocabulary will enrich your language skills and provide you with a more nuanced and meaningful way to engage with the culture.
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Beautiful Romanian Words
1. Dragoste – Love
Dragoste is a simple Romanian word that means love. There is another word for love, spelled ‘Iubirea’, and both are interchangeable. As in most languages, the term can be applied to any type of love, whether it be fraternal, maternal, or romantic. A quite useful and common word.
2. Dor – Longing
Out of the more than 170,000 Romanian words in existence, this is one that cannot be fully translated into English. The best approximation would be longing, though this word can carry several connotations. It’s a very useful word to know if you’re into poetry, or are of the sentimental type that wishes to and who wishes to express what they’re feeling after leaving their home land or ending a relationship with a significant other.
3. Îmbrățișare – Embrace
Îmbrățișare means hug. It is often used in Romanian, among family, as well as romantically between couples. It’s also filled with many accent marks, lending an air of sophistication to the word.
4. Lumină – Light
Lumină is one of the most beautiful words in Romanian, ending with an accented “a”. While it primarily refers to physical light, it also carries poetic connotations, symbolizing hope, clarity, and enlightenment.
5. Zâmbet – Smile
Another beautiful word in Romanian, which means smile. The accented a lens in air of not only beauty but sophistication to this word.
6. Povești – Stories
Povești can be used to describe fables, or just ordinary stories that were told as children. It is also used in a number of expressions, and is useful word to know.
7. Încântare – Delight
Încântare is a word that means pleasure. It can be used conversationally to describe what you’re feeling after meeting a beautiful woman, and hoping to get to know her better. The best English equivalent would be enchantment. Yes, in English enchantment is not a common word outside of poetry and literary expressions, but in Romanian it can work when used in an ordinary conversation.
8. Călătorie – Journey
Călătorie is the Romanian word for “trip,” specifically referring to a physical journey. When discussing life’s journey, though, another word is more fitting. “Calatorie” is not just practical; it’s also a beautiful word that captures the sense of adventure and exploration inherent in traveling. Its poetic resonance adds depth to describing the experience of journeying through life or across the world.
9. Inimă – Heart
Inimă is one of the most beautiful words in the Romanian language. Romanians use it often to describe how their feeling. It’s also commonly used in romantic and philosophical expressions. Use as often as possible.
10. Arome – Aromas
Arome is spelled almost exactly as in English. It means the same thing as well. Use it when describing sense. Another beautiful word that ends in a vowel.
11. Bucurie – Joy
Bucurie means joy. It can be any type of joy. Perhaps you just earned a good grade and are happy about it. If so, then use the word to describe your feeling. A beautiful word that ends in two of the most pleasant sounding vowels, ‘i’ and ‘e’.
Beautiful Romanian Phrases
1. Te iubesc. – I love you.
This is a simple, straightforward phrase that is useful in romantic situations. You can use it when speaking to family, friends, or even that stranger that you have feelings for. Use barely, however, in certain situations, as in Romanian the term can carry strong connotations. So, unless you truly do have feelings for someone, another phrase would be more appropriate.
2. Ești lumina ochilor mei. – You are the light of my eyes.
This phrase means, You are the light of my eyes. A romantic phrase that can be used when speaking to a girlfriend, or someone you love.
3. Îți simt lipsa. – I miss you.
This phrase literally translates as I feel the absence of you. You can say this when talking to someone that you love, either romantically or platonically, no it is used more in the contacts of romance.
4. Îmi place să te văd zâmbind. – I love seeing you smile.
Who doesn’t love to see someone smile? This is a phrase that is likely to make the other person smile even if they are it. So you said when you’d like someone to smile back at you after telling them beautiful.
5. Ești inima mea. – You are my heart.
This is another easy and straight-to-the point phrase. It contains the word heart, the beautiful word that we covered earlier in the post. When you tell someone this, you are letting them know that you have feelings for them. This can instantly put anyone who hears the phrase in a good mood.
6. Fiecare zi cu tine este o poveste de dragoste. – Every day with you is a love story.
One of my favorite phrases. You’re telling the other person that, essentially, they make your life a fable, whether it’s because of their looks, personality, or simply because you love them. It’s a beautiful way to express how special someone is to you.
7. Viața este o călătorie minunată alături de tine. – Life is a wonderful journey with you.
This phrase essentially means, Life feels like an awesome adventure when I’m with you. An advanced expression, but one that packs a lot of power and zest for your romantic partner.
8. Miresmele primăverii aduc amintiri dulci. – The scents of spring bring sweet memories.
This sentence states, The smells of springtime bring back nice memories. A romantic phrase that reminds you of happy times in the past.
9. Bucuria pe care o simt alături de tine este de neînlocuit. – The joy I feel with you is irreplaceable.
This sentence means, The happiness I get from being with you is something I can’t find anywhere else. Can be said to someone who endows you with a special kind of joy.
10. În fiecare zi, descopăr noi motive pentru care te iubesc. – Every day, I discover new reasons why I love you.
This phrase translates to, Every day, I find more and more reasons to love you. Useful for anyone in a relationship with someone for a reasonable amount of time.
Beautiful Romanian Sayings
1. Cine se scoală de dimineață, departe ajunge. – The early bird catches the worm.
This saying emphasizes the importance of starting your day early to achieve success. Just like in English, it suggests that those who begin their tasks early will accomplish more and get ahead in life. It’s a reminder that diligence and timeliness often lead to better results.
2. Apa trece, pietrele rămân. – Water flows, stones remain. (Time passes, but some things endure.)
This proverb highlights the transient nature of some things versus the permanence of others. It suggests that while situations and events may change, certain fundamental truths or values remain constant. It’s often used to encourage focus on what truly matters and to accept the inevitability of change.
3. Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine. – Self-praise smells bad. (Modesty is a virtue.)
This saying warns against self-aggrandizement and highlights the value of humility. Just as in English, it advises that boasting about oneself is unseemly and often viewed negatively by others. It’s a reminder to let one’s actions speak louder than words.
4. Cine râde la urmă, râde mai bine. – He who laughs last, laughs best.
This proverb suggests that ultimate success is more important than early triumphs. It means that patience and perseverance often lead to a more satisfying and meaningful victory. It’s often used to encourage people to remain patient and focused, even when initial results are not favorable.
5. Învățătura multă, uitătura mare. – Too much learning leads to forgetting.
This expression cautions against overloading oneself with information, as it can lead to confusion or forgetfulness. It suggests that learning should be balanced and paced, to ensure retention and understanding. It’s a reminder to avoid cramming and to take time to digest new knowledge.
6. Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face azi. – Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
This common proverb advises against procrastination. It encourages people to complete tasks promptly rather than delaying them, as postponement can lead to missed opportunities and increased stress. It’s a call to action for efficiency and responsibility.
7. Vorba dulce mult aduce. – Sweet words bring much.
This saying highlights the power of kind and gentle speech. It suggests that speaking kindly to others can yield positive results and foster good relationships. It’s a reminder that politeness and tact can go a long way in achieving one’s goals and creating a harmonious environment.
8. Lauda haina și dezbracă omul. – Praise the garment and undress the man. (Don’t judge by appearances.)
This proverb warns against superficial judgments based on appearances. It means that one should look beyond outward appearances to understand a person’s true nature or worth. It’s a call for deeper insight and caution against being misled by surface impressions.
9. Ce ție nu-ți place, altuia nu-i face. – Do not do unto others what you would not want done unto you. (The golden rule)
This saying advocates for empathy and ethical behavior. It suggests that one should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. It’s a universal principle found in many cultures, promoting fairness and mutual respect in human interactions.
10. Cine se aseamănă se adună. – Birds of a feather flock together.
This proverb observes that people with similar interests, values, or characteristics tend to associate with one another. It reflects the natural tendency for like-minded individuals to form groups or communities. It’s often used to explain social dynamics and the formation of friendships or alliances.