75 Rare Words in English

Words are more than mere tools of communication; they’re portals to whimsy and delight. Add a sprinkle of flair to your written and spoken communication with these 75 rare words. Be careful using them in everyday conversation. A few are outdated. They would work, though, quite well in poetry and even experimental literature.

Let’s now acquaint ourselves with these interesting and sometimes even funny words in English. Use them to impress your employer, a new date, or among buddies whilst in conversation.

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A list of cool and interesting words in the English language

1. Mellifluous

The word mellifluous and its meaning

Smooth, flowing, or melodious in sound.

2. Serotinal

The word serotinal and its meaning

Relating to or occurring in late summer.

3. Bamboozle

The word bamboozle and its meaning

To deceive or cheat someone, often by trickery or flattery.

4. Lollygag

The word lollygag and its meaning

To spend time aimlessly; to dawdle or be lazy.

5. Malarkey

The word malarkey and its meaning

Nonsense or meaningless talk; foolishness or bunk.

6. Zephyrous

The word zephyrous and its meaning

Relating to or characterized by a gentle, mild breeze.

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7. Zibeline

The Word Zibeline and its meaning

A soft, lustrous fabric made from the fur of a sable or similar animal.

8. Mumpsimus

The word mumpsimus and its meaning

A person who obstinately clings to an error, bad habit, or mistaken way of doing things.

9. Crwth

The word crwth and meaning
A traditional Welsh musical instrument similar to a violin or lyre.

10. Sesquipedalophobia

The word sesquipedalophobia and its meaning

The fear of long words.

11. Sphenic

The word sphenic and its meaning

A positive integer that is the product of three distinct prime numbers.

12. Quizzaciously

The word quizzacioualy and its meaning

In a playful or teasing manner; used to describe lighthearted and whimsical interactions.

13. Wobbledegook

The word wobbledegook and its meaning

Confusing, nonsensical language; a playful term for speech or writing that lacks clarity.

14. Fiddle-faddle

The word fiddle-faddle and its meaning

Trivial or foolish talk; nonsense or inconsequential activities.

15. Blubbernut

The word blubbernut and its meaning

A term of endearment, often used in a humorous or affectionate manner.

16. Codswallop

The word codswallop and its meaning

Nonsense, rubbish, or absurd talk; a fun way to dismiss something as untrue or ridiculous.

17. Kerfuffle

The word kerfuffle and its meaning

A commotion or fuss; a disorderly outburst or tumult.

18. Bumfuzzle

The word bumfuzzle and its meaning

To confuse or perplex; a delightful term for feeling bewildered or disoriented.

19. Widdlytinks

The word widdlytinks and its meaning

Imaginary creatures that live in one’s pocket and make strange, tinkling noises.

20. Gigglywiggly

The word gigglywiggly and it's meaning

Full of laughter and merriment; a playful and cheerful description.

21. Spaghettification

The word specification and its meaning

The stretching and elongation of an object due to extreme gravitational forces, often seen near black holes.

22. Iouea

The word iouea and its meaning

A taxonomic genus name for a group of tropical sea sponges.

23. Zenzizenzizenzic

The word zenzizenzizenzic and meaning in English

An obsolete term for the eighth power of a number.

24. Pareidolia

The word pareidolia and its meaning

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon where individuals perceive familiar patterns, such as faces or shapes, in random stimuli, like clouds, rocks, or objects.

25. Aibohphobia

The word ainohphobia and its meaning

Fear of palindromes; ironically, the word itself is a palindrome.

26. Buccolic

The word bucolic and its meaning

A term used to describe rural or countryside settings, often associated with pastoral life, tranquility, and simplicity.

27. Vexillology

The word vexillology and its meaning

The study of flags, including their design, symbolism, and usage throughout history.

28. Psithurism

The word psithurism and its meaning

The sound of wind rustling through trees or leaves, often considered calming or soothing.

29. Aphotic

The word aphotic and its meaning

Refers to areas of the ocean where sunlight cannot penetrate, typically beyond the depth of 656 feet (200 meters).

30. Absquatulate

The word absquatulate and its meaning

To leave abruptly or hastily; to abscond or depart without notice, often in a secretive or furtive manner.

31. Persnickety

The word persnickety and its meaning

Overly concerned with minor details or very particular about small matters; fussy or finicky.

32. Troglodyte

The word troglodyte and its meaning

Primitive, socially reclusive, or out of touch with modern ideas or customs.

33. Xenoglossy

The word xenoglossy and its meaning

Ability to speak or understand a language without prior exposure or learning, often linked to paranormal or spiritual beliefs.

34. Dolorous

The word dolorous and its meaning

Characterized by or expressing sorrow, grief, or sadness.

35. Reticent

The word reticent and its meaning

Reserved, reluctant, or hesitant to speak or share one’s thoughts or feelings.

36. Polylemma

The word polylemma and its meaning

A situation or problem with multiple possible solutions or outcomes, often presenting a complex or perplexing dilemma.

37. Umbrageous

The word snollygoster and its meaning

Shaded or darkened; easily offended or provoked.

38. Jollity

The word jollity and its meaning

Cheerfulness or high spirits, often expressed through laughter, merriment, or lively social gatherings.

39. Woldy

The word woldy and its meaning

Relating to or characteristic of open, rolling upland areas, typically covered in grass or low vegetation.

40. Inenarrable

The word inenarrable and its meaning

Beyond description or impossible to convey in words.

41. Brimborion

The word brimborion and its meaning

A small, trivial, or insignificant object or trinket, often valued for its ornamental or decorative qualities.

42. Paraprosdokian

The word paraprosdokian and its meaning

A figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected, often leading to a humorous or ironic twist.

43. Noctambule

The word noctambule and its meaning

One who walks or roams at night, especially for pleasure or recreation.

44. Obnubilate

The word obnubilate and its meaning

To obscure or darken, either literally by covering or clouding something; the act of causing mental confusion or uncertainty.

45. Obsequious

Excessively obedient or attentive to an ingratiating degree.

46. Perspicacious

Having a ready insight into and understanding of things.

47. Lugubrious

Looking or sounding sad and dismal.

48. Munificent

Larger or more generous than is usual or necessary.

49. Nugatory

Of no value or importance.

50. Inveigle

To persuade someone to do something by means of deception or flattery.

51. Bosky

Covered with bushes, shrubs, or small trees.

52. Conflate

To combine two or more texts, ideas, etc., into one.

53. Deleterious

Causing harm or damage.

54. Desuetude

A state of disuse.

55. Divagate

To stray or digress.

56. Elucidate

To make (something) clear; explain.

57. Ensorcell

To enchant; to fascinate.

58. Felicitate

To congratulate.

59. Osculate

To kiss.

60. Perfidious

Deceitful and untrustworthy.

61. Pluvial

Relating to or characterized by rainfall.

62. Rebarbative

Unattractive and objectionable.

63. Saponaceous

Resembling or containing soap; soapy.

64. Polymath

A person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning.

65. Amaranthine

Undying, immortal, eternally beautiful.

66. Antediluvian

Extremely old-fashioned.

67. Avuncular

Kind and friendly towards a younger or less experienced person.

68. Bellicose

Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.

69. Flocculent

Having or resembling tufts of wool.

70. Emacity

Fondness for buying things.

71. Deipnosophist

A person who is skilled in table talk or dinner-table conversation.

72. Obfuscate

The word obfuscate and its meaning

To deliberately make something confusing or difficult to understand.

73. Surreptitious

The word surreptitious and its meaning

Done, made, or acquired by stealth or in a clandestine manner.

74. Pulchritudinous

The word pulchritudinous and its meaning

Having great physical beauty and appeal.

75. Peripatetic

The word Peripatetic and its meaning

Traveling from place to place, especially working or based in various places for relatively short periods..