8 Bedtime Habits of High Achievers

Crucial to success in life are a plan, hard work, and originality. Some of the most successful people in the world attribute their achievements to these three factors. But how do you improve on them? That is a very good question, and one that gurus, philosophers, and teachers have been pondering for centuries. We think that it’s important to have good sleep when pursuing your goals. But, how do you achieve better sleep? It is through the practice of routines.

In this article, we’ll discuss the nighttime rituals of successful entrepreneurs–individuals who have conquered the world through a harmonious blend of work and rest. Discover their well-guarded secrets and embrace the invaluable tips to elevate your sleep quality, enrich your life, and pave the way for relentless pursuit of your dreams.

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Why is a bedtime routine important for adults?

A routine before bed is important for us all, as it allows you to determine the ways that are best to help you fall asleep. Without sleep, you will be unable to function and pursue your dreams. So make sure that you follow these routines. Some may not be applicable or practical to you, and if so, then skip those. You could even add an activity of your own to your daily routines. What’s important is that whatever you’re doing is conducive to sleep and something that you can do easily and undistracted by anyone else.

Unlocking Success: 8 Bedtime Habits of High Achievers You Need to Know Pinterest pin

1. Read

A stack of many books
What do entrepreneurs read? Anything and everything they can get their hands on. Of course, not every book is created equal, and for this reason most entrepreneurs make a list of titles they would like to devour based on popular lists, such as The New York Times and USA Today. Mostly, you’ll run into books that’ll enrich you in some way. This could be a motivational or biographical book that will inspire you to achieve more. Entrepreneurs are known for devouring as many books as they can, and attribute their success to their voracious reading appetite. Reading before bed not only will expand your mind, but your subconscious will absorb what you have learned during the night.

2. Reflect

A Serene nature scene
Reflection is a very important part of your bedtime routine. During these moments, you will close your eyes and go over the day that you have just lived. Is there anything that taught you a lesson? Were there circumstances that allowed you to see things from a different perspective? Reflection will give you the equanimity to not doubt yourself over situations that you cannot control. Ask yourself as many questions as you can about your day, and you’ll soon notice, if you practice this habit as often as possible, that it will enrich your life and sleep.

3. Write in Journal

A journal and a pen
Journaling is a great way to stop your mind from wandering, and it allows you to dwell on the most pleasant thoughts. You could also use journaling on those nights when you are feeling less than stellar and have trouble sleeping. It can be a way to remind yourself that things are going well when you think that they are not. Give yourself the opportunity to be thankful for the good things in your life, and to encourage you to never give up, make sure you write down whatever worries you have. The next day, ideally in the morning, you’ll want to look at your journal and see whether there are some issues you’d like to take care of.

4. Prepare Meals for Next Day

A man cooking a meal
This can be a huge time saver. What you’ll do is prepare your next days breakfast and lunch. Understandably, not every one of us has the talent for cooking, so if you prefer, choose meals that are easy to prepare. For instance, you could prepare an oatmeal inside of a jar and add fruit and vitamin powder to it and milk. Shake it up and put it in your fridge, and it’ll be ready for when you wake up the next morning. All you then would have to do is put it in the microwave for a minute or so, and you’ve got your breakfast. You’ve also saved a ton of time. How many of us have missed work because we were too busy preparing breakfast? Avoid this problem by preparing the night before. You could also prepare your lunch as well. Peanut butter sandwiches are easy to prepare and are a nutritious addition to your diet. Or just pick something that is easy to prepare, and not only have you saved time in the morning, but MD afternoon as well. You wouldn’t have to leave your work in the middle of the day for lunch.

5. Bathe

A man bathing
Now there are those of us who enjoy taking as many showers as possible, so this shouldn’t be too difficult for those individuals. However, there are those who may struggle or just simply have not made it a habit to bathe before bed. The advantages of this are many, including feeling better and cleaner, and depending on what type of work you do and the temperature upon awakening, this may be your day’s only bath. Enjoy a warm bath that will not only put your mind and body at ease, but make it much easier for you to sleep.

6. Listen to Music

A woman listening to music
Listening to your favorite music is a great way to put your mind in the mood for sleep. The best kind of music is whatever you like. There are those of the opinion that soft music is best for loving you into sleep. However, we beg to differ. If you enjoy heavy metal, then put on your favorite songs before bed and watch how much more pleasant falling into sleep after listening to your favorite tunes will be. As a bonus, music can also enhance focus and productivity.

7. Get a Massage

A man getting a massage
A massage from a partner may not be possible for everyone. You may be single, or your significant other just does not know how to perform a massage. In either case, realize that you can perform a massage on yourself. Use oils and scents to enhance the experience, and make this a habit that will stick with you and one which you can employ on those days that you are feeling anxious yet tired and have difficulty falling asleep. Or uses just to enhance your sleep. Either way, massage is an effective remedy for those suffering from insomnia, or even looking for a way to pamper themselves for a deeper, more refreshing sleep.

8. Shut Off the Lights

A man switching off the lights in his room
In order to get the best possible sleep, you’ll need to have your room as dark as possible. This is because your mind craves for melatonin throughout the night. This is a chemical that is responsible for a number of important health functions, and it can also keep you looking young. Many of us feel groggy the next morning because we didn’t sleep during the night and also did not sleep properly. The right way to sleep is with a room that is so dark that you cannot see your hands in front of you. Try this for at least a month, and watch what a difference this will make for your sleep life. You will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. So make sure you turn the lights off in your room at least a half an hour before going to bed, and of course after reading.


We hope you have found our list useful. Make sure you practice these routines as often as possible, and don’t be afraid to add once of your own. To be successful in life, you must be healthy, both physically and emotionally. Sleep will allow you to remain healthy. But not everyone has optimal sleep. That is why we have shared with you these tips. Practice these as often as possible, and watch your life change, slowly but gradually, for the better.

A starry night sky