9 Simple Ways to Make Your Dishes Healthier

If you’re looking for ways to improve your health without sacrificing your favorite foods, you’re in the right place. We all know that exercise and a balanced diet are essential for a healthy lifestyle, but small daily habits can also make a big difference. Eating healthier is an excellent first step, but it can be hard to know where to begin with so many tempting options out there. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered with these ten tips to make your favorite foods healthier without sacrificing taste or convenience. So let’s get started!

1. Add Spices

A variety of spices

Spices are a versatile addition to your favorite foods that can improve their taste and nutritional value. Many spices have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are beneficial for maintaining good health. For instance, turmeric is a spice that can be used to flavor dishes such as curries and stir-fries while also providing anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon is another spice that can be added to sweet or savory foods and is known to regulate blood sugar levels. Garlic and ginger are also popular spices that can enhance the flavor of a variety of dishes and provide immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects. By seasoning your food with spices, you can reduce the need for unhealthy additives like salt, sugar, and fats, resulting in healthier meals without compromising on taste.

2. Skip the Oil

Bottles of cooking oil

Without a doubt, oil is one of the most important ingredients in the kitchen, and we all need it to cook our favorite foods. Take for instance french fries. There are those who love the taste of oil and the oil allows the fries to cook better. Nonetheless, if consumed to an excess, oil can be harmful to your health. But not every oil is different. The worst oil that you can consume is corn oil. Sesame oil is preferred by those who are conscientious about their health. Try to replace it with a healthier option, such as, as mentioned, sesame, or sunflower or, better yet, olive oil, which is famous for its varied and unique health benefits.

3. Avoid the Sugar

Grains of sugar

Sugar without a doubt will destroy one’s health if consumed to an excess. It’s amazing how much sugar we can find in our daily foods, especially junk foods such as soda, cakes, and other desserts. If you’re serious about your health, then consider giving up on added sugar altogether, or substituting it with a healthier choice. Stevia is a popular sugar alternative, and it can turn your drinks sweet without the drawbacks. How about honey, you may ask? Honey is healthy, yet you do not want to have too much of this sweet delight, as it does contain sugar and can be fattening. If you decide to add honey, just have a teaspoon or two, at most three, times a day, that’s it. And of course, organic honey is always best.

4. Bake Rather Than Fry

Fresh loaf of bread straight out of the oven

Baking is always a healthier alternative than frying. For many people, the taste of oil on fries or meat is irresistible. You can make some adjustments though, and a daily or even weekly habit to bake your favorite meals rather than frying, and see how it goes. You may end up liking the flavor even better.

5. Add a Supplement to Your Meal

a variety of Supplement pills

Adding vitamins to your meal is a great opportunity for you to get the maximum benefits from your meal. We all know that it is best to consume vitamins with a meal as opposed to without, so you can actually crush the vitamins and sprinkle it over your meal or into a drink. Some of the best vitamins and supplements to have with your meal are iron, which is vital for transporting your blood throughout the body, and magnesium, which has calming effects. This is in addition to the traditional alphabet vitamins, all of which are necessary for our bodily functions and mental health.

6. Do Not Microwave

A microwave oven

Microwaving your food should be a definite no-no. The reason is that the radiation waves have been proven to be harmful, and can’t even shorten one’s lifespan. We know that there’s no quicker way to prepare a meal for many folks other than them with the microwave, yet the time that you save isn’t worth it in many cases. It’s debatable whether the effects of microwave radiation are permanent, but as with many things in life, prevention is the best care.

7. Purchase Local

a large sign that says Shop local

Whenever you purchase local, you know that the food that you’re getting is from not far away, and therefore it has spent minimal time in transit. When food is transported from state to state, sometimes this can last up to three weeks or more until the store gets the actual product. What this means is in the time that the food has been on the move, it has probably spoiled a bit and has lost some of its nutritional value. Another benefit of purchasing local is price: you’ll pay less, and for more product.

8. Go Organic

Organic foods concept

By organic we mean that there are no additives to the produce, and therefore you know that nothing has been added and that you’re eating it in its pure form. The reason some forms add pesticides is to keep harmful pests away from their produce. However, this can mean a loss of nutritional value and in the rear case, there are customers who actually get sick from food that has been given pesticides.

9. Do Not Eat Fruit With a Heavy Meal

A variety of fruit on top of a kitchen table

This last one is important. You’ll want to avoid eating fruits with a heavy meal, especially at night before bed. Your body has to digest the food, and many times the fruit will begin to ferment in one stomach, and the result is gas and flatulence the next day. If you do wish to consume fruit, and then do so only on its own.

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Turning your foods into a healthier option often includes adding ingredients to the mixture. This can be pepper, cinnamon, or other spices that are proven to help us anonymously. Bad habits can often take a while to end, but if you make it a choice to add the above ingredients to your foods every day, you will see results. If you have difficulty adding the above ingredients, then consider masking the taste so that it is easier for you to consume these nutritious foods. Make it a habit every day to do this, and watch your health improves.